A computer keyboard in use, an aerial shot of a notebook on a desk, and a cup of coffee.

How to learn French fast in 2024? My Top 5 Tips

Would you like to learn the basics of the French language quickly? Are you curious about how to learn French on your own? In this blog post, I share my 5 top tips to help you learn french quickly and in a fun way.

Tip 1: Find your current French level and set objectives 

Start by assessing your current level to save time and avoid revisiting what you already know.

Next, set SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound).

For example: I would like to speak and understand French and reach an A2 level by the end of this year.

Why is this important?

  • Setting goals gives you direction and a reason to stay motivated.
  • Having a goal helps you focus. 

Woman Relazing And Journalling On Couch Photo

Tip 2: Create a learning plan and stick to it

Moving on, my second tip is to create a learning plan and maintain consistency.

Why do you need a plan?

A plan keeps you on track and helps you decide what to study and monitor your progress. 

How can you create a plan?

If learning independently, get a book with a pre-designed plan or craft your own, aligning it with your objectives.

Structured courses, like my 101 Practical French Course, provide predefined plans, covering grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in just 6 weeks. Click here to preview for free!

A woman happily smiling while looking at a monitor

Tip 3: Focus on what's relevant to you

Focus on what aligns with your goals and avoid unnecessary topics.

Why is this important?

Learning excessive grammar and vocabulary might be overwhelming. Ensure you are learning what is essential for your goals.

If your aim is to have simple conversations at the grocery store, concentrate on key vocabulary and phrases for that scenario.

Tip 4: Engage with French content

Many of my students mention watching French shows or listening to French songs, which is great!
However, simply doing that won't make you fluent easily.
Actively engage with French content, moving beyond passive consumption.

Take notes, practice pronunciation, and challenging yourself actively.

Consider the shadowing technique involving listening to a clip and repeating it word by word aloud. Click here to learn more about this technique

Also, don't forget to diversify content to become familiar with different accents.

Writing in a notebook while sitting

Tip 5: Practice, practice, practice

I can't emphasize enough the importance of regular practice for rapid improvement.

Why practice regularly?

Whether focused on speaking or writing, consistent practice, even for 15-20 minutes daily, can yield significant results.

Set aside specific time each week for practicing. Concentrate solely on practicing without introducing new concepts.

Talking to someone who speaks French, hiring a tutor, or using language exchange apps can aid in regular practice.

Book your first lesson with me! Click here.

Even if you can't live in a French-speaking country, talking to yourself and writing in French regularly can contribute to language mastery.


In conclusion, mastering French quickly on your own is possible with a right approach.

Assess your level, set SMART objectives, create a learning plan, focus on relevant content, engage actively, and practice regularly.

Don't miss the chance to enroll in my 101 Practical French course (rated as the best online French course), and learn the basics in just 6 weeks!

See you in the course!

If you'd like learn more about my tips, watch my latest Youtube video below.

About Me


I'm Umut, an experienced Online French Tutor with a PhD in French Studies.

With over 7 years of expertise in the French language, I've helped hundreds of adults efficiently and quickly master French, progressing from beginners to confident speakers.

If you're interested in learning French with me, feel free to send me a message at info@tumulearning.ca 


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